Friday, 31 January 2014

A peak inside our busy art room

What we've been up to this week...
Grade 1: painting to music
Grade 2: exploring styles of influential artists
Grade 3: how cultures have used art as expression through time
Grade 4: collaborative project-based recycled art unit
Grade 5: linoleum printmaking

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Really, I am nearly speechless after seeing the incredible art from these two artists recently. I've seen their photos and stories being shared online through different news and social media sites, and thought I must share! I know some of you have seen these artists too- what do you think!?  I am amazed by their unique idea to create such large but temporary art. Would you spend that much time planning, designing and creating something only to have it destroyed by the next wave or snowfall?  It certainly take a special passion and drive and a deep love for creating. Kudos to these artists who are creating breathtakingly beautiful designs with essentially the world around us! 

Click on the hyperlinked text below to find their websites and more information about them! 

Simon Beck: Snow Artist
Creates giant drawings using his snowshoes, a compass, a brilliant plan and a good sense of direction. Originally a map-maker, he loves creating temporary designs in the fresh snows that fall in France during ski season. You can find his photos of his art and learn more about him through interviews on social media sites and news outlets. He was even asked by Disney to create an image for the recent film, Frozen! 

Creates designs by raking sand on beaches, exposing the wet sand which looks darker and creates the lines for his drawings. Originally from California USA he loves spending time at the beach- this style of art is also known as playa paintings or beach art.  Here's a time lapse of him creating a work: 

There's even an entire community of beach artists like Andres! Check out a video from BBC on their competitions: 

Imagine you were going to try to make a piece of art inspired by these artists? What type of weather, terrain, geography would you look for?  Imagine large and small ways you can do this around you in your every day life.... growing up I used to draw in the frost on the glass of windows on my bus ride home :)  Share your thoughts! 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

"Add On"

Grade 5 got their creative juices flowing this week with an art game suggested by Dominik! The game is called: Add On.... Everyone started with their sketchbook and a pencil, ready to draw! But what to draw you might be wondering? Well... Each person came up with one part to add to our "Creative Creatures". One by one we went around the class and added in each idea to our drawing. They got pretty crazy and certainly creative! This is a fun game any group of artists can try anytime to warm up imaginations and stir up creativity!

Here's our complete list of Add Ons as well as some of the resulting drawings:

At the end we even took some time to draw good friends for our crazy creatures.  What a fun day of wacky ideas, unusual combinations, and plenty of laughter :)  

How do you wake your creativity up after a long holiday or break from making?