Grade 5 is just wrapping up a unit exploring the color wheel. They learned about color mixing and tertiary colors, and collaboratively created their project requirements and grading system. As decided upon by grade 5 students, each student was responsible for:
creating a color wheel using all 12 colors (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in order, using a variety of materials (such as watercolours, pile pastels, coloured pencils, markers etc), incorporated into a unique design (other than your basic circle color wheel). They completed peer reviews in progress, self assessments when they finished, an received comments and a rubric score from me at the end. Here are some shots of students working and completed assignments! Way to explore color and demonstrate your learning in such creative ways grade 5!!
creating a color wheel using all 12 colors (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in order, using a variety of materials (such as watercolours, pile pastels, coloured pencils, markers etc), incorporated into a unique design (other than your basic circle color wheel). They completed peer reviews in progress, self assessments when they finished, an received comments and a rubric score from me at the end. Here are some shots of students working and completed assignments! Way to explore color and demonstrate your learning in such creative ways grade 5!!